
“Embark on a virtual journey with me as we explore the untapped beauty of the United States through the lens of a digital nomad. From bustling urban landscapes to serene natural wonders, discover the hidden gems that make working remotely in the U.S. an enriching adventure.”

Angeline - My Audi Q5

My Story

I have always wanted to travel. As a child growing up as my family would travel from our home in Cleveland, Ohio to visit relatives in Georgia and Alabama. What a different experience it was going from a city with buses, sidewalks, houses close to one another to locations where you had to drive miles to go to a store, or walk to the corner “store” along the dirt roads to get a soda and there was no such thing as “public transportation. As the second oldest of a relatively large family I welcomed the opportunity to get out in the open and spend a few summers with cousins walking through the corn fields, picking peas and going to the smoke house to get some bacon for breakfast.

I had dreams of seeing the world, to see how people in foreign lands lived and that I did. Fast forward 30+ years, 2 children, 2 homes and now I call myself a Digital Nomad as I have no permanent home, perse. I am on a quest to travel to each state in this United States and record the experiences and beauty that there is in our very own “back yard”.

Come visit me weekly as I share my journey, providing tips on the various services I’ve used that have allowed me spend a week or more in over 15 cities, across 10 states, and 2 countries, all over the past year.

My trusty companion Angeline (featured) has been there with me for over 45,000 of those miles over the past 2 years.

I am living life to the fullest and this is only the beginning.



